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A Practice-theoretical Account

Organizational Attention Research Project: Invited Scholar - Enrico Campo

Organizational Attention


We were extremely pleased to meet with Dr. Enrico Campo, research fellow of Sociology at the Department of Philosophy, University of Milan (Italy) where he teaches Sociological theoryHis work focuses on the attention economy and how deconstructing the notion of attention as a resource allows for a conceptual shift towards the relational, affective, and contextual nature of attention, by understanding it in relation to notions of "care".  His research interests also include sociology of knowledge and the study of the relations among culture, technology and cognition. He is the author of Attention and its Crisis in Digital Society (Routledge 2022), co-editor of Politics of Curiosities. Alternatives to the Attention Economy (with Yves Citton, Routledge, 2024) and Exploring the Crisis. Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Investigations (with Andrea Borghini, Pisa University Press 2015).

Our meeting resulted in a productive and engaging discussion about studying organizational attention within our research project's context. We highly recommend Dr. Campo's work and look forward to following his future projects.